Tuesday, October 7, 2008

St. Bruno

Alright! So I know I didnt get to blog yesterday (ayyy.. already inconsistent! lol) So i've decided to use yesterday's saint today because when I went to Mass it was the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary. So I'm in the process of saying a Rosary.. but anyways..

St. Bruno (feast day Oct. 6)

(below from Catholic.org)

Bruno was born in Cologne, Germany and was of the prominent Hartenfaust family. He studied theology in a school in Reihms where he later taught, became head of the school, and was later appointed chancellor of Reihms. Years after, the people of Rheims wanted to make Bruno archbishop, but he decided to pursue an eremitical life. St. Bruno is one of the 6 men who started the Carthusian order. They lived a life of poverty, manual work, prayer, and transcribing manuscripts. As fame of the Carthusian order spread, St. Bruno was brought to Rome (against his wishes haha) by Pope Urban II (whom he had taught as a teacher in Reihms!) as Papal Adviser in the reformation of the clergy. Bruno persuaded Urban to allow him to resume his eremitical state, declined the Pope's offer of the archbishopric of Reggio, became a close friend of Count Robert of Sicily, and remained there until his death on October 6. He was never formally canonized because of the Carthusians' aversion to public honors but Pope Leo X granted the Carthusians permission to celebrate his feast in 1514, and his name was placed on the Roman calendar in 1623.

Living it out:
i basically went to my mom and said ASSIGN ME SOMETHING... so I washed tons of dishes and helped with some other stuff around the house... that was my manual labor haha. As for poverty- I learned just how hard that was. I left home thinking even if I get hungry I won't run to that vending machine for a rip-off snack. But its was like 2 o'clock and I couldnt take it anymore. Sacrificing the use of an mp3 player and other luxuries was a little easier (except the phone and the laptop.. heh..) And lastly-- prayer. I actually coincidently ended up praying a lot (more than usual) yesterday... but that should still count right? Maybe God's helping me out ^ -^.

A side note: I went for Confession followed by Mass today at the Basilica of Our Lady de San Juan del Valle and had the most awesome experience. First off I truly realized the healing effect of the sacrament of Reconiciliaton. I really felt like God had given me the grace to not commit certain sins anymore! Okay so, I had a hard time confessing one of my sins but eventually I found a way around it. Then Mass started and though it was mostly in spanish I could participate in like 80% of it. When it got close to the time we sing the "Holy, Holy" song I had a kind of vision sorta thing... well first I felt something touching my back and i was thinking what it could be. It felt like a person! So when I was thinking I had this "vision" that it was my guardian angel, lovingly hugging me from behind. She was so happy with me, proud of me, because I confessed my horrid sin. And then we sang the Holy Holy together =) "With all the Angels and Saints"

Yayyy Happy Day ^ -^


mimi. said...
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mimi. said...

Woot Woot!


=) how positively delightFUL.