I'm gonna keep this short cuz im DEAD tired...
St. Ignatius of AntiochSt. Ignatius was a great martyr who served as a bishop and then wanted to die for Christ. His wish was granted: he was peresecuted and taken to the amphitheater in Rome. He was thrown in and lions immediately DEVOURED him! He died gloriously saying "May i become agreeable bread to the Lord"
Living it out:
today I was courageous in my faith. There are times in my day where I'm usually like "Okay, I could say this (which is what I WANT to say) but there's a time to share Christ and a time not too... I don't want to offend this person, or push too hard..." Well today I totally erased that from my mind. Got laughed at a few times.. but WHO CARES!? It felt really awesome and I encourage you all to do it (if you're not already).
that's all.. i'm going to sleep now =)
btw yesteray's saint was St. Gerard Majella who is the patron saint of Expectant Mothers (funny.. he's a guy)... well I couldn't think of a characteristic to live out so I just prayed for expectant mothers a lot that day and whenever I saw one I'd pray for them.. it was fun and heart warming ^ -^
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